Dino Crisis 2 Free Pc Download
When Dino Crisis split from the Resident Evil series last year, forming its own little mini-genre, "Survival Panic," the resulting product was 1/3 Resident Evil, 1/3 Jurassic Park, and 1/3 confusion. The story, as with all of the great RE games, was great -- filled with suspense and intrigue, and some new techniques and effects for the series, the combination resulted in a neat dinosaur sandwich substitute, kind of like a vege burger. And for anyone who knows what those taste like, well, they're not very, um, satisfying.
But that's all in the past now. The clever folks at Capcom have reformulated a brilliant new combination of Resident Evil essentials with Dino Crisis 2, leaning heavily on action and a neat point-reward system that hurls the fledgling series into a new direction. And let me tell you, this is the sh*t. Dino Crisis 2 is a pure action-packed adventure/shooter that satisfies my urge to bloody my shirt with dinosaur guts, all the while weaving a great story with worthwhile characters whom I care about.
Stripped of its slow-paced Resident Evil shell and its haunting, creepy shockeroo tricks, Dino Crisis 2 is, simply put, a game about shooting dinosaurs. Lots of them. Blowing them up into big red chunks, and then slashing them while they're on their sides, while squirming to get back on their feet. Frankly, that's what I wanted so badly to do in the first Dino Crisis, but never really got the chance to.
If you didn't follow the first Dino Crisis story, then let us fill you in: The mysterious Dr. Kirk, known for his fantastic research into physics and energy, has designed a new energy form that uses the Earth's power without destroying it. His work was far too dangerous and untested and in his development he unleashed a time hole that brought dinosaurs back to Earth. In Dino Crisis, the slim, red-headed member of SORT (Secret Operation Raid Team), Regina, helped to capture Dr. Kirk and send him to prison.
One year after her work was believed done, she is sent back to help stop the same experiment that the government this time has unwisely unleashed, creating a menace that's swallowed an entire city. Teamed up with Dylan Morton, a tough blond-headed member of TRAT (Tactical Reconnoitering and Acquisition Team), And David Fork, the humorous cowboy sidekick of sorts (also of TRAT), the three head to Edward City to uncover the mystery behind the sprawling jungle and to uncover crucial research data.
What happens in Dino Crisis 2 is very similar to the Resident Evil series. Players take on the alternate roles of Regina and Dylan, each of who have special weapons. Regina owns a Stun Gun, and Dylan a Machete. The game is played from many different camera angles, designed to create emotion and create a cinematic feel, and for the most part it works.
What separates the game from its predecessors is multifold. Instead of a pure polygonal game, Capcom has gone back to a familiar prerendered world, with polygonal, textured characters, and flat backgrounds. What this does is restrict players just a wee bit in a less "realistic world," but the artwork and detail of DC2 comes shining through with meticulous detail and beauty. To top off the retro move, the worlds take place almost completely outside, in gorgeous, leafy, green-on-green jungles.
As always with Capcom, each of its games moves forward in tiny increments (with the exception of the retarded, one-legged, three-fingered, headless stepchild, Resident Evil Survivor, which was a limp backward). Dino Crisis 2 moves forward in tiny increments. If you created a scale with action at one end and key-finding adventure on the other (which is where Resident Evil and the first Dino Crisis are), Dino Crisis 2 slants heavily to the action side. Players start searching through the jungle for clues, uncovering various sites (Military Site, Research Site, Missile Silo, etc.) and find a generous amount of save sites along the way. What happens is that tons of dinosaurs come out to attack you whenever you step outside, and it's your job to stay alive, so you shoot, dodge, spin, and shoot some more. It's a release, and it's fun. Gone are the days of running from a few really dangerous dinos. Here, it's all about quick, nimble blasting.
Nabbed from last year's Resident Evil 3 are a few key control features that make the action not only fun, but also do-able. Anyone who has played Resident Evil knows that it's an awkward action game at best, with a troublesome control scheme that makes it hard to aim, shoot, and move quickly. In actuality it's a flawed system, but with Dino Crisis 2 you get a few cool tricks that turn the weakest aspect of the Resident Evil series into its biggest plus. The controls enable Regina and Dylan to walk or run while shooting, quickly sidestep/dodge (Dpad and Triangle), pick up objects or open doors, and to easily and instantly switch weapons or apply medicine. Players can perform 180-degree spins with R2, and link their targets with L1, which switches the aim from one target to the next automatically. These controls work amazingly well for this kind of action. To top it off, players have a primary and a secondary weapon, such as the Machete and Stun Gun, so you're never unarmed.
Also, on a more subtle but interesting note, the levels are constructed in a way so that you usually can see the enemies coming, or after a while you at least can anticipate their off-screen attacks. The paths are also narrow and two-way, so attacks don't come from several paths. In other word, the number of attack points is narrowed so you're more likely to hit your target when it's aimed.
As you progress, Dylan and Regina earn lots of points from a peculiar new reward system that's plucked neatly out of another Capcom game, Street Fighter. Players earn Extinct Points by acquiring Combos, Counters, and by staying unbitten. When you reach a Save Point, the Point Summation enables you to buy new weapons, tools, and medicine, to extend the magazine on any weapon, to upgrade weapons, to extend combo times, and to reload any weapon. The more points the bigger and more powerful the weapon. Players end up with guns such as the Antitank Rifle, Flame Thrower, the Solid Cannon, the Firewall, the Chainmine, Heavy Machine Guns, Rocket Launchers, two-handed light machine guns, and many more. Believe it or not, the system works perfectly. Just don't count on 25-hit Dragon Punch finales, ya dork. The dinosaurs are numerous, too. In each segment of the map, players encounter a plethora of dinosaurs that range from annoying groups of those nasty little spitters, small herds of Raptors, pairs of Inostrancevia, and flocks of Pteranodons, among others. The best part of Dino Crisis 2, in fact, is the amount of weapons you find and use, and the complementary herd of dinosaurs you confront and hopefully kill. There are at least 10 dinosaurs in all, including the aforementioned Inostrancevia, Pteranodons, Raptors, Allosaurus, Triceratops, Pleisiosaurus, T-Rex, Mosasaurus, Gigantosaurus, Compsognathus, and the spitter guys whose name I forget.
To bolster gameplay variety, Capcom has implemented the game action and adventure with sub-games that are inventive and fun. These include shooting games from the back of a ship; an escape sequence that finds you in a tank treading away from an angry T-Rex; a wild escape from two angry triceratops; an escape from a nest of Allosauruses; a trap shoot-style protection game with Raptors, and a handful of others. These little sub-games are inventive, fun, and bring a breath of arcade-style fun into the standard fray.
The control scheme, which, when I think about it, is really the Resident Evil 3 Nemesis scheme, is good, but it has its weaknesses. The biggest dilemma is with flying creatures, such as the Pteranodons, and in the underwater scenes with Mosasaurs and Pleisiosaurs, which not only require big weapons to fend off, but also necessitate that you have precise aim in frantic situations. With a fixed camera angle fighting it's silly to believe that you won't get injured when you can't see which way you are firing.
Strangely, the controls generally feel so natural you almost tend to forget that it's the clunky old Resident Evil control scheme, albeit slightly modified. The dual weapon scheme works well, and the variety of weapons is sweet, too. The reward system seems silly at first, but it works, and works well. Along with the variety of weapons, the wide-range of dinosaurs makes the game simply fantastic. The scope of dinosaurs broadens the gameplay strategies, and creates a constant desire to encounter the next new creature.
Much like Resident Evil 3 Nemesis, Dino Crisis 2 uses prerendered images in the backgrounds with polygonal creatures and characters. In almost every scene the contrast between the two very different media is subtle, and sometimes almost seamless, but in one particular section of the game, in the underground caves, it's hilariously bad. You travel underneath a volcano and blast through rocks with a Chainmine gun. As you search for the obscure marks left by your pal David Fork, you cross paths with a mammalian dinosaur, the Inostrancevia, and pass over lava bridges and lava rivers. The creatures look great. But the lava backgrounds are cheap and appear so low budget that they look as if they're taken straight from the old Saturday morning live action show, The Land of the Lost. In other words, they're cheesy as Velveeta. I expected hordes of Sleestack to slither into foamy hallways at any second. The polygonal characters look like they're on a blue screen, and couldn't appear more starkly contrasted.
Otherwise, the creature and the design are both excellent, and the jungle backgrounds, and especially the underwater environments, are simply top-notch. I can't tell you how cool it was to fight almost entirely in the jungles, instead of in some dark fictitious city, or inside some creepy old mansion. The underwater environments, created with a slowly moving water effect and a slightly altered gravity, also worked superbly. In fact, I always hate underwater scenes, because I am sure that I'll drown over and over, but in these underwater scenes, I walked, jogged, and jumped around in a deep diving suit, and I simply didn't run out of air. The Mososaurs and Pleisiosaurus were graceful and beautiful, too.
The music is strangely good. Mixing a little hint of techno along with jungle drum beats and an underlying orchestral sound, the resulting sound is full-bodied, dramatic, and powerful. It builds in tense situations and quiets down in safer areas, such as save points and information rooms and locales.
The first Resident Evil was notorious for its bad voice acting, but that's definitely a thing of the past. The voice actors, and the script for them, are both surprisingly good here. Regina and Dylan are both delivered with believable voices and a mostly wide range of expressions, and they don't say too many stupid things. Likewise, the dinosaurs each have their own roars, screams and grunts, and every one, from the Gigantosaur's ear-shattering roar to the squawk of the Pteranosaurs to the chirp of the Compys are believable and frightening. The dinosaur sounds are even good enough to compare to those in the first Jurassic Park. Although not technically as brilliant, they deliver the same impression of animalian rage and terror.
While the voice acting is quite good, against the fray of Resident Evil games, the textual translation is perhaps the worst I have even seen in this series. If Capcom had hired a professional copy editer there trobles wood have beene all sortedd outt. No what I meen? Just kidding, mostly the text problems are syntactical errors, including "which" instead of "that," and many oddly phrased sentences that needed straightening out. It doesn't detract too much, but with such a fine display from every other aspect of the game, and the text being such a large part of the game, you would have thought it would be have been perfectly tuned. Here's an example: "But instead they will have been inputted the instincts to protect the dinosaurs." That's clearly a translation problem. It should have read something like, "But instead they have been programmed instinctually to protect the dinosaurs." Another example: "On the other side of the glass are many equipments and intruments partly built." That's what it says. Gong.
System Requirements :
OS: Windows 98/ME/XP
Processor: Pentium @ 233 MHz
Memory: 64 Mb
Hard Drive: 250 Mb free
Video Memory: 4 Mb
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 7.0
Dino Crisis 2 Free Pc Download
Reviewed by Gamer

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