Dirt Track Stadium Missions - Gta San Andreas

The Dirt Track can be found at the stadium in Blackfield, Las Venturas on Mondays and Wednesdays. It can be found to the West of the ring road around Las Venturas.
The Dirt Track is probably one of the easiest stadium missions there is. You're on a Sanchez dirt bike and are racing it out with 12 other bikers. The good thing is that while they are relatively well skilled at driving, they don't balance themselves out after going over a jump, and as a result, you can almost always count on most of, if not all of them bailing after going over a hill a few corners from the start. This gives you a great opportunity to catch up, or get even further in the lead.
From the start follow the dirt track in the middle of the road perfectly. Just stay in the middle of the other vehicles and head over the small jump. Try to land cleanly and go over the next jump where you should be able to gain about four or five places. Land that well then head around the corner to the left. Follow that along and handbrake turn just after going over the top of the hill. Follow this path down and over the small jump, then hit the big jump. This is where you win and lose the race. You'll most likely see that a lot of the riders have fallen from their bikes here, and those who haven't will soon, don't worry. Balance out the bike in mid air and land smoothly, while avoiding the other bikes. Head to the left and go onto the ramp. As you hit the end, turn slightly to the right in mid air so that you land at an angle pointing the right way. Keep to the inside of the track, probably on the yellow bit in the middle, and follow this tight circle all of the way around. After three quarters of a full circle you'll see the track continues to the left, so make sure you don't miss the turn. Head along here and hand brake turn in order to stay away from the barriers. Go to the end of this section then hand brake turn again. Follow the road a bit further, then handbrake turn around the hairpin. Drive to the end of the next road and handbrake turn around this hairpin, then follow the track back to the start finish line.
Every single rider WILL crash out on the hill, sooner or later, so just make sure you put in good lap times, roughly around 55 to 57 seconds and try not to spin out or bail from the bike. If you land the jump you're guaranteed to gain positions. Once you get in the lead it's not as easy as the 8-Track, however handbrake turning makes corners much easier. Always be sure to keep off the barriers. They'll pretty much stop you dead and it would be quicker to physically brake to a stop. Instead, release X and just let the bike glide along. Performing handbrake turns without holding X will improve the turning time and make it a lot easier to get around corners at higher speeds. Just remember to keep driving relatively fast and don't crash, then wait for the other racers to make mistakes and you should be able to get this in your first few tries. The better Bike Skill you have the easier it will be though, as you'll have less chance of falling from your bike, even with hard collisions.
Upon completion of the race in first place you will be awarded $25,000 and when placed outside you will see that a BF Injection has been spawned in front of the stadium doors.
Reward: $25,000
A BF Injection Has Been Unlocked Outside The Stadium On Monday And Wednesday.
Dirt Track Stadium Missions - Gta San Andreas
Reviewed by Gamer

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