Shotgun Gun Challenges - Gta San Andreas
The shotgun challenge is probably the most difficult challenge in the gun range. I would really advise you to master the shotgun using the "shoot car" trick, because you need faster reloading to be able to do this well.
Round 1
Hold down L1 and aim for the bottom target, shoot it, then move up while you're reloading. Shoot that and move to the next and so on. You should definitely destroy a target with every shot on this round.
Round 2
This time the targets will move towards you, so you'll need to constantly change your aiming to be sure of hitting them. Just behave similar to the first round and once again you should be able to hit a target with roughly every shot. Keep going until the end.
Round 3
This is the hardest part, because the computer players are incredibly accurate, however you just need to have quick reflexes and aim for any targets they miss. They will generally take out two at a time, so try to get in there just as it comes down and then shoot the 2 of 3 which have been missed by them. You'll probably lose most of the rounds but you should be able to make a come-back in the last few if the scores are within 2 or 3 points.
Shotgun Gun Challenges - Gta San Andreas
Reviewed by Gamer

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