Loop-The-Loop - Gta San Andreas Flying School
Press and hold X to maintain your height, keep the plane level and head for the first corona.
Vehicle Given
Hold X and fly towards the first corona. Stay level and just as you get there, push forward slightly. As soon as you go through it, you'll be told to hold back on the analog stick and do a loop-the-loop, so hold back and watch as the plane goes all of the way around in a backflip. You'll then need to try and level yourself out and fly through the last corona. You need to try and get the timing spot on though, because this objective is pretty strict about how much time you take. I'd advise not actually doing the backflip until you are about halfway through both coronas so that you don't have as far to go while trying to level out.
Gold Criteria
Time: 21 Seconds Or Less
Damage Penalty: 0%
Overall Score: 100%
Loop-The-Loop - Gta San Andreas Flying School
Reviewed by Gamer

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