The 360 - Gta San Andreas Driving School
The 360
Use the rear wheel drive car to do a burnout donut.
Vehicle Given
This one is pretty simple, as you'd expect by the first mission in the first school you've most likely done. All you need to do is hold down X and Square, then hold down left or right and let the car spin around 360ยบ, then try to stop it in the exact place you started. This is a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, you shouldn't have too much trouble. Usually stopping with about 3 seconds remaining should put you almost right in the center of the required spot.
Gold Criteria
Final Heading: 100%
Final Position: 100%
Damage Penalty: -0%
Overall Score: 100%
The 360 - Gta San Andreas Driving School
Reviewed by Gamer

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