Pop And Control - Gta SA Driving School
Drive to the end of the track, a tire will blow out half way there. For extra control, release the accelerate button.
Vehicle Given
Police (SF)
If you've been used to driving with popped tires, such as by playing Vice City, this shouldn't really be too much trouble. Speed straight towards the stinger, then as soon as you pop, let go of X and let the car glide to the right. You may have to tap X once or twice here, then push it back over to the left and try to position it in between the cones. You'll run out of time almost just as you stop, but if you remember to let go of X, this isn't much of a difficult task.
Gold Criteria
Final Heading: 100%
Final Position: 100%
Damage Penalty: -0%
Overall Score: 100%
Pop And Control - Gta SA Driving School
Reviewed by Gamer

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